#40 Defining The Vuex Getters For Our Portfolio Models
Saturday, March 7, 2020
In this article we will create several new vuex getters that we can use to retrieve the portfolio categories and plans from our store. Using these getters will allow us to populate the navigation properties of our models automatically anytime we retrieve them from the store.
- Part 45: Adjusting Shares
- Part 44: Plan Percentages
- Part 43: Home Securities
- Part 42: Updating Plans
- Part 41: Plan Details View
- Part 40: Portfolio Getters
- Part 39: Portfolio Plan
- Part 38: Portfolio Category
- Part 37: Account Securities
- Part 36: Account Transfer
- Part 35: View Account Security
- Part 34: Updating Deposit
- Part 33: View Account Deposit
- Part 32: Display Account Details
- Part 31: Account Getters
- Part 30: Deposits And Securities
- Part 29: Add Accounts Details
- Part 28: Refactoring Accounts
- Part 27: Add Security Models
- Part 26: Edit Security Details
- Part 25: View Security Details
- Part 24: Navigating To Details
- Part 23: Getters Validation
- Part 22: Query Parameters
- Part 21: Tab Entries
- Part 20: Tab Header
- Part 19: List View
- Part 18: Vuex Getters
- Part 17: End Domain Model
- Part 16: Start Domain Model
- Part 15: Pop Routes
- Part 14: Push Routes
- Part 13: Removing Accounts
- Part 12: Vuex (Decorators)
- Part 11: Vuex (Accounts)
- Part 10: The App Bar (Settings)
- Part 9: Remove Consumer Rxjs
- Part 8: The App Bar (Back)
- Part 7: Structuring Our App
- Part 6: Animation Between Views
- Part 5: Navigation Fade
- Part 4: Navigation Requests
- Part 3: Fade Animations (cont.)
- Part 2: Fade Animations
- Part 1: Splash Screen
Code Snippets
portfolio-category-model.ts (1:20)
export interface IPortfolioCategoryModelConfig {
planId: number;
export class PortfolioCategoryModel {
private _plan: PortfolioPlanModel | null = null;
private _planId: number;
public get plan() {
return this._plan;
public get planId() {
return this._planId;
public set planId(planId: number) {
this._planId = planId;
constructor(config: IPortfolioCategoryModelConfig) {
this._planId = config.planId;
public setPlan(plan: PortfolioPlanModel) {
this._plan = plan;
portfolio-initial-state.ts (2:34)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {
const catDelc = new PortfolioCategoryModel({ categoryId: delc.id, id: 1, percent: 38, planId: growth.id });
const catDemc = new PortfolioCategoryModel({ categoryId: demc.id, id: 2, percent: 12, planId: growth.id });
const catDesc = new PortfolioCategoryModel({ categoryId: desc.id, id: 3, percent: 6, planId: growth.id });
const catIedm = new PortfolioCategoryModel({ categoryId: iedm.id, id: 4, percent: 18, planId: growth.id });
const catIeem = new PortfolioCategoryModel({ categoryId: ieem.id, id: 5, percent: 7, planId: growth.id });
const catDfdm = new PortfolioCategoryModel({ categoryId: dfdm.id, id: 6, percent: 13, planId: growth.id });
const catIfdm = new PortfolioCategoryModel({ categoryId: ifdm.id, id: 7, percent: 3, planId: growth.id });
const catDsdm = new PortfolioCategoryModel({ categoryId: dsdm.id, id: 8, percent: 3, planId: growth.id });
store-constants.ts (3:10)
portfolio-types.ts (3:42)
import {
} from "@/store";
export type GetterPortfolioCategory = (id: number) => PortfolioCategoryModel;
export type GetterPortfolioCategories = (planId: number) => PortfolioCategoryModel[];
export type GetterPortfolioPlan = (id: number) => PortfolioPlanModel;
export interface IPortfolioGetters {
[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_CATEGORIES]: GetterPortfolioCategories;
[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_CATEGORY]: GetterPortfolioCategory;
[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_PLAN]: GetterPortfolioPlan;
[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_PLANS]: PortfolioPlanModel[];
portfolio-module.ts (6:02)
import {
} from "@/store/store-constants";
import { findById, undefinedMessage } from "@/store/functions";
import { IPortfolioGetters, ... } from "@/store/portfolio-types";
import { StoreActions, StoreActionValidator } from "@/store/store-action-validator";
import { IStoreGetters, StoreGetterTree } from "@/store/store-types";
const storeActionValidator = new StoreActionValidator();
export const portfolioGetters: StoreGetterTree = {
[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_CATEGORIES]: (storeState, getters: IPortfolioGetters) => {
return (planId: number) => {
return storeState[STATE_PORTFOLIO_CATEGORIES].items
.filter((x) => x.planId === planId)
.map((x) => getters[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_CATEGORY](x.id));
[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_CATEGORY]: (storeState, getters: IStoreGetters) => {
return (id: number) => {
const state = storeState[STATE_PORTFOLIO_CATEGORIES];
const portfolioCategory = findById(state, id)!;
.isUndefined(undefinedMessage("portfolio category", id, state.index));
const securityCategory = getters[GETTER_SECURITY_CATEGORY](portfolioCategory.categoryId);
return portfolioCategory;
[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_PLAN]: (storeState, getters: IPortfolioGetters) => {
return (id: number) => {
const state = storeState[STATE_PORTFOLIO_PLANS];
const plan = findById(state, id)!;
.isUndefined(undefinedMessage("portfolio plan", id, state.index));
plan.categories = getters[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_CATEGORIES](plan.id);
return plan;
[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_PLANS]: (storeState, getters: IPortfolioGetters) => {
return storeState[STATE_PORTFOLIO_PLANS].items.map((x) => getters[GETTER_PORTFOLIO_PLAN](x.id));
store.ts (14:46)
import { portfolioGetters, ... } from "@/store/portfolio-module";
const getters = {
index.ts (15:09)
export * from "@/store/portfolio-category-model";
export * from "@/store/portfolio-plan-model";
export * from "@/store/portfolio-types";
Planner.vue (15:30)
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-property-decorator";
import { GETTER_PORTFOLIO_PLANS, Getter, PortfolioPlanModel } from "@/store";
export default class Planner extends Vue {
@Getter(GETTER_PORTFOLIO_PLANS) private readonly plans!: PortfolioPlanModel[];
private created() {